Becoming a Member of the Church
Christ made it clear that baptism was necessary for salvation when he told Nicodemus, "Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God, without being born of water and the Spirit." (John 3:5)
For Catholics, the sacrament is not a mere formality; it is the very mark of a Christian, because it brings us into new life in Christ. Once baptized, a person becomes a member of the Church.
How Do I Enroll My Child for Baptism?
- Complete Baptismal Form and include additional documents as requested.
- Schedule an appointment with a priest.
- Meet with a priest (both parents should be present).
- Attend a Pre-Baptism class.
- Baptismal Registration Fee must be given before the date of the class.
What Is The Cost?
Baptism registration for registered parishioners is $25.00. Non-registered parishioners is $35.00. No family will be denied the Baptism of their child for financial reasons.
For your convenience, on the day of the Baptism Service, an envelope will be provided should you wish to give an additional donation.
Please Note: Checks should be made payable to Holy Family Church.
Registration Information
Baptismal Form
This information is for parents that live within our boundary or are registered parishioners. Non-parishioners need a letter of consent from their respective parish if they are registered at any parish.
Schedules of Baptism
- Saturday - 10:00am
- 2nd Saturday of the Month (English)
- 3rd Saturday of the Month (Spanish)
- 4th Saturday of the Month (English)
- Except on Holidays
Please make an appointment at least 2 months before Baptism.
For more information about receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, please contact the Church rectory.
Qualification Requirements for Infant Baptism
Any child under the age of seven may be baptized if there is a well-founded hope that this child will be raised in the Catholic faith. Please inquire from the parish office on the procedures to be taken if your child is above 7 years of age.
Download Infant Baptism Registration Checklist
Parent’s Checklist
Guidelines for Godparents
- A godparent can be single or married. If married, the marriage must be in the Catholic Church. Written verification of Catholic marriage is required.
- Godparents must submit a written verification of their Sacrament of Confirmation (Certificate of Confirmation or a simple letter declaring that the person concerned has been confirmed. A form is available at the office or you may write your own letter). In the event that you wish to change the godparent/s, you need to submit this request at the parish office. The usual requirements for the new godparents will be expected at the time of this change.
- There is a minimum of one Godparent per child. There is a maximum of two Godparents, (one male and one female) per child. These Godparents will be recorded on the Baptism Certificate and Parish Registry.
- Godparents must be practicing Catholics.
- Minimum age of a Godparent is 16 years of age.
For anyone who is to stand as Catholic godparent, he/she must have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. If married or living in, he/she must be married in the Catholic Church. Without these sacraments, he/she may not stand as godparents/sponsor. (Canon 874)
Where Should Your Child Be Baptized?
The church is the only place where baptisms can be scheduled.
Pre-Baptism Class
One Pre-Baptism class is required for the parents and godparents. However, an exception can be made if the parents or godparents have attended a Pre-Baptism class within three years prior to the Baptism Service date. To request this exception, submit a copy of the certificate from the class previously attended with the Holy Family Infant Baptism registration form.
Please Note: If it is more convenient, you may attend a class at a parish close to your home.
We ask that parents and godparents avoid bringing any children to the Pre-Baptism Class.
A white baptismal candle and a bottle for holy water will be given during the day of the baptism.
The Baptismal Certificate will only be released if the parents and godparents have completed the Pre-Baptism class.
Confirmation of Requested Baptism Service Date
The office will register your request as quickly as possible and notify you that the date of the Pre-Baptism class and Baptism Service has been confirmed. We ask you not to make any formal plans until after these dates have been confirmed. Please contact the Rectory if you have any questions regarding the Baptism Policy.
- Baptism
- Sacrament
- Holy Water
- Renewal
- Baptismal
- Initiation
- Spirit


Contact Info
Rectory Office
For general inquiries and mass intentions.
Contact Name:
Martha Ceja
18708 Clarkdale Avenue Artesia, CA 90701