1. Log in or Sign-Up for a Facebook Account
You MUST be logged in to your Facebook Account to be able to view the livestream masses.
If you already have a Facebook account:
Easily input your username and password.
If you don't have a Facebook account:
- Go to Facebook.com.
- Enter your name, email or phone number, date of birth, and gender.

- Click “Sign up".
- IMPORTANT STEP: You will receive either an email or a text confirming your facebook account. You need to follow the directions in the message and click on the link that confirms your account.
- Congratulations, you have a Facebook account!
TIP – If you tend to forget your login credentials, write your username and password on a piece of paper so you do not forget. Just remember to keep this in a safe place so no one can log in into your account.
2. Like Us on Facebook
- Once you have an account and logged in, go to: facebook.com/holyfamilychurchartesia.
- If you are using the Facebook app, go to Search and enter: "Holy Family Catholic Church Artesia". Find and select the item with our HFC logo, shown below:

- Click on the “Like” button.

3. Watch our Livestream
Log in to your Facebook account and go to facebook.com/holyfamilychurchartesia to watch a Livestream mass (see "Schedule" for mass times)
When a livestream has started, you will also be notified on your Facebook account and all you have to do is click on the notification. Just click on the play button and join us in celebrating the Holy Eucharist!
If you missed the livestream, don’t worry, you can still access all streamed masses under the videos section in our Facebook page.
- Guideline
- How to
- Watch
- Social Media
- Virtual
- Online
- Remote

Contact info
Rectory Office
For general inquiries and mass intentions.
Contact Name:
Martha Ceja
18708 Clarkdale Avenue Artesia, CA 90701

Saturday Mass
- 12:15pm: Daily Mass (English)
- 6:00pm: Indoor Anticipatory Mass + Livestream (English)
Indoor masses are at full capacity. Families can join with the Jumbotron in their cars.
Sunday Mass
- 6:30am: Indoor (English)
- 8:00am: Indoor + Livestream (Spanish)
- 9:45am: Indoor (English)
- 11:30am: Indoor + Livestream (English)
- 1:00pm: Indoor + Livestream (Portuguese)
- 2:30pm: Indoor (Chinese)
- Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month - 4:00pm: Indoor (English)
- 6:00pm: Indoor + Livestream (English)
Indoor masses are at full capacity. Families can join with the Jumbotron in their cars.
Monday-Friday Daily Mass
- 8:00am, Fridays only, Indoor (English)
- 12:15pm, Mon-Fri, Indoor + Livestream (English)
- 6:00pm, Mondays and Wednesdays only, Indoor (English)
Indoor masses are at full capacity. On Wednesdays, Benediction will be at 5:45pm, followed by the 6pm Mass. No 6:00 pm evening masses on National Holidays.