What is the First Communion?
First Holy Communion is one of the most important events for a Catholic, along with Baptism, Reconciliation and Confirmation. The First Holy Communion is a sign of Christian unity and a symbol of a Catholic’s faith and devotion. The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ becomes present in the Holy Eucharist during the sacrifice of the Mass.
Most Catholic children receive their First Holy Communion when they're 7 or 8 years old, because this is considered the age of reason. Other people can receive communion for the first time whenever they've met all of the Catholic Church's requirements.
If your child is approaching second grade or older; we want to assist you in raising your child in the faith. Your child must be baptized in the Catholic Church; instruction for Reconciliation will take place before instruction for First Holy Communion. The reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place a few months before First Holy Communion.
The instruction for both First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion will take place during the school year schedule and a two year preparation for these sacraments.
First Holy Communion takes place during the Easter Season in the second year of preparation.
For more information, call the REP office.
- Eucharist
- Communion
- Bread
- Body
- Blood
- Wine
- Holy
- Sacrament
- Lord's Supper

REP Office Hours
Summer hours (July and August):
- Monday - Thursday: 3pm - 6pm
- Friday - Sunday: OFFICE CLOSED
Regular hours:
- Monday - Thursday: 3pm - 6pm
- Saturday: 8am - 12pm
- Sunday: 1pm - 4pm

Contact Info
Religious Education
Contact Name:
Teresa Paulino